Articles, tools & resources for Vapor devs

Vapor URLEncodedFormDecoder Security Vulnerability

We've fixed an issue in Vapor's URLEncodedFormDecoder - CVE-2022-31019

An internship of working on Vapor

My experiences and contributions during my internship

Vapor FileMiddleware Security Vulnerability

We've fixed an issue in Vapor's FileMiddleware - CVE-2022-31005

Vapor Users - We Need You!

We need your help to showcase Vapor!

Adding a database table index

See how to add a database table index using SQLKit

Vapor Documentation Changes

We're updating the documentation site and moving the old docs to a new site

Updating Vapor's Supported Swift Versions

Updating Vapor's Supported Swift Versions

The beginner issues project board is here

Have you thought about contributing to Vapor but you don't know where to start? Check out the good first issue projectboard.